Weight Management

Obesity results from chronic energy imbalance in a person who consistently intakes more calories from food and drink than are needed to power their body’s metabolic and physical functions. The rapidly rising population prevalence of obesity in recent decades has been attributed to an “obesogenic” environment, which offers ready access to high-calorie foods but limits opportunities for physical activity. The obesity epidemic can be considered a collective response to this environment. Obesity is a vital health problem because it increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases.


Factors responsible for obesity:


Hereditary factors - These are mainly related to genetics & family history. People with a family history should keep precaution to avoid obesity at all costs.


Metabolism - Every human body has a different level of metabolism which affects the assimilation & breakdown of food in the body. Therefore the correct diet needs to be taken in order to regulate & maintain healthy metabolism.


Body Mass Index - A person’s BMI is a credible indicator of one’s health. The correct diet & lifestyle regulation can facilitate a healthy BMI.


Social cultural factors - Lack of proper knowledge about the correctness of food intake is one of the major causes of wrong weight.


Emotional factors - Peer pressure, low self-esteem & low emotional wellbeing can also push a person towards a mismanaged pattern of food intake.